Father’s Day is around the corner and we’re honouring all of the fathers and father figures at Iniskim and our peers in the industry. Not all fathers are alike in demeanour, personalities, or needs, but one thing we can agree on is the important role they play in our lives.
Over the years, Iniskim’s President Amarjeet Grewal has had the privilege to witness a friend and colleague hard at work as a father and as a professional. Dr. Stefano Piccini’s dedication and unwavering commitment to his family are admirable. And at the time, he has built his career as a world-renowned paleontologist, geologist, and gemologist, and President and owner of Geoworld Gallery.
It is with great pleasure to feature Dr. Piccini for Father’s Day and to learn more about how he manages fatherhood with the demands of his profession.
My dream is to build a worldwide community of people – children and adults – with the same passion for science and love of nature.
– Stefano Piccini

Digging into the Balanced Life of Fatherhood and Work
What does being a father mean to you and how has it changed your life?
Being a father is more than playing a role – I have a responsibility now and feel much more responsible to instill the values for a healthy, happy and fulfilling life for my kids. I’m determined to give everything I can to them.
And when you have people, particularly children, that rely on you, it changes your perspective on how to navigate life. It also makes you more patient and more compassionate.
What lessons or values have you learned as a paleontologist, geologist, and gemologist that you hope to instill in your children?
My favourite saying is “be in love with nature” and this holds true with my kids. As a little kid, I was always fascinated by everything related to science and nature. The world of crystals, fossils, meteorites, gems and of course dinosaurs just excited me! I hope my passion for nature passes on to them and the next generation.
How do you balance your role as a father with your career?
Life can be busy. It’s not easy to juggle between the two roles, especially with the amount of travelling I need to do. But it’s important to prioritize my family and I always try to spend at least half of my time at home. I want to show my kids that I’m 100% there for them, connected and present.
How has becoming a father influenced your perspective on the world and your own upbringing?
My own upbringing was different. I was raised in Northern Italy by my mother who was single. So I recognized that father figures can have different meanings, which gives us a different perspective.
I constantly worry because I think about how I can help my kids live in this complicated world and navigate through life. It’s a weight that I think every parent carries.
What advice would you give to new or expectant fathers based on your own experiences?
There’s nothing that truly prepares you for this new role, so don’t be worried, take the challenge and enjoy the ride. It’s never going to be easy but being a father is well worth it.
It’s important to live in the moment because everything changes so quickly as the kids grow.
Can you share a meaningful tradition or activity you enjoy doing with your children?
I travel a lot for work, but nothing compares to travelling with the family and experiencing new places and cultures with them. It means so much to me when we can all get together and spend that quality time with one another. I also get to see it from their eyes and what excites them the most through our travels, and it gives me a new perspective.
What legacy do you hope to leave as a father and what impact do you aspire to have on your children’s lives?
My personal mission is also to bring the past into the future, a quest to find the rarest, most valuable fossils and minerals all over the world. They know it is my lifelong dream to fulfill this, and they will continue that legacy.
To keep it simple: honesty, leadership and love. This is what I live by and I hope that my kids will continue to incorporate these values into their everyday lives.
Father’s Day is a special day to celebrate and cherish the father figures in our lives for everything they do each day. From our family at Iniskim to yours, Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible men out there! May you feel loved and cherished, not only on this day but also throughout the year.
A Peek at Dr. Stefano Piccini’s GeoWorld Gallery
Over three decades, Dr. Stefano Piccini has educated people about the history of our planet through dinosaurs, fossils, minerals, gems and meteorites.
Experiencing Geoworld Gallery is like stepping into a collision of art and nature. The showcase is mesmerizing and full of natural wonder, where rare and well-preserved fossils and artifacts line every wall.
Among the vast collection, perfectly preserved fossils of Ammonite have been showcased over the years much to our delight. From some of the rarest finds with an array of colours to specimens with notable bite marks, Dr. Piccini has an eye for the most exceptional and bespoke natural Canadian Ammonites to offer.
We’re thrilled to include Dr. Piccini as one of Iniskim’s supporters in our journey to introduce Ammolite and Ammonite to the world. With his unwavering support and those of our community, we can also bring the “bring the past into the future”.